Iran: Four Rounds of Nuclear Marathon

The Black Sea — Middle Eastern Tiger

An Assessment of the Security Challenges in the Black Sea Region

Middle East: a Footstep Away From the “Point of No Return”

Iran — US: A New Cycle of the Crisis in the Middle East

The Crimea on the Chessboard of Geopolitics — the Crimean Evening

A New Round of Civil War in Libya

Ukraine, Syria and Venezuela

There Is No Uncontrolled Space in Geopolitics

Thoughts on Hybrid Flirtation and Hybrid Alliance

How Are Baku and Kyiv Developing Ties in New Geopolitical Realities?

US Intervention in Venezuela Is Possible Only If There Is a Threat to American Citizens

The end of martial law in Ukraine


The Degree of Tension on the Eastern Borders of Ukraine Is Increasing

Syria: Russia Is “Selling Out” Iran

Iran: Tehran's Nuclear Choice

The “Gordian Knot” of the Middle East

Iran: Countdown

Iran's Nuclear Program

On the Possible Deployment of China's Missile Systems in the South China Sea

Syria: A Trap for the Kremlin

Events in Armenia As an Indicator of a Systemic Crisis of the “Russian World”

Diplomatic Scandal Between Serbia and Croatia. The tension continues

Syria: The Coalition Attacked Iranian Forces

Afrin: The Haggling Continues

Afrin: The “Olive Branch” Is Losing Its Pace

Iran: the Hot Week

Iran: Mercenaries and Gangsters

Iran: People's Uprising Is Gaining Momentum

Iran: a Stormy December


Putin's Russia and the “conflict in Ukraine”: a view from a very distant Europe

The Military Coup in the “LPR” as a “Mirror” of Confrontation in Russia's Ruling Elite

Putin’s “Fifth Column” in Europe or the European Friends of the Master of the Kremlin

Analysis of the Practice of Reintegration (De-Occupation) of the Lost Territories in the Interests of Ukraine


Changes of Approaches and Tools to Resolve the Situation in the Donbas

Russia after the Extension of Sanctions


South Caucasian Twists in Russia's Geopolitical Plans

Russia on Fire: the North Caucasian Front

"Hybrid Peace-2" for Ukraine: neither War, nor Peace

Russia-Ukraine: "the third round"

Assessment of the Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, the Republic of Iraq and Its Influence in the Middle East


Winter Thunderstorms in Yemen. Part 2

Winter Thunderstorms in Yemen

Tehran and Washington – From Threats To Negotiations?

Syrian Vertical – the Fall of B. Assad’s Regime and Its Consequences for the World and Region