Will NATO Be Able to Restrain Russia?

Over The Abyss

“Center-2019” SCPE

The Kremlin's Men: Nowhere to Retreat-  Moscow' Is Behind Them

Economy in Exchange for Sovereignty

St. Petersburg Economic Forum - 2019

Russia Relying on Eurasia as a Basis of Power

Ukraine, Syria and Venezuela

How Are Baku and Kyiv Developing Ties in New Geopolitical Realities?


The War Against the Whole World

Caucasus and Germany

Totalitarianism and Confrontation. What to Expect from Russia

Russia After Putin

Events in Armenia As an Indicator of a Systemic Crisis of the “Russian World”

“The Catcher in the Lies”

The Last Warning to Moscow


Playing “Good Cop/Bad Cop” As the Main Tool of the USA's Policy Towards Russia

Peculiarities of the Development of Economic Processes in Russia and Their Influencing the Situation in the Country and Its Foreign Policy

Putin’s “Fifth Column” in Europe or the European Friends of the Master of the Kremlin

The Growth of the Protest Potential in the Russian Society as the Beginning of the End of V. Putin's Regime


The Duality and Cynicism of Russia's “Hybrid” Policy and Practice

Moldova on the Geopolitical Crossroads

Preliminary Results of the Russia-NATO Council

Russia's Economic Crisis as a Result of the Kremlin's Aggressive Policy

“Ups and Downs” of Baku's Geopolitics - 3

“Ups and Downs” of Baku's Geopolitics - 2


South Caucasian Twists in Russia's Geopolitical Plans

“The Geopolitical Trap”: V. Putin's Regime's Mistakes as a Prerequisite for Russia's Collapse

Russia on Fire: the North Caucasian Front

The Brutal Reality of the Kremlin's “Integration Meanings”

The Phenomenon of the New Russian Authoritarianism, or What “the Ruler of 89 % of Russians' Minds” Worries about”

Who and How Will Be Punished by the Kremlin: the Second Is the “Belarusian” Front

The EU and US Sanctions against Russia: Continuation Impossible to Lift

Who and How Will Be Punished by the Kremlin: It Is — Moldova's Turn

The Ukrainian Issue — What Price to Totalitarian Russia?


Integration or Disintegration? How Russia's Military Aggression against Ukraine Affects the Implementation of the Russian Integration Initiatives on the post-Soviet Territories

The Russian Background for the EU, US and Ukraine's Sanctions

On Political and Other Problems of the Putin Regime

Putin's Last Latin American Slap

EAEU as “Putin’s achievement” (express-analysis)

The Revolution in Ukraine and the Position of the States of Central Asia 2

Gloom Over Russia

Lessons for Inhabitants of the Crimea

Chimeras of Eurasian Integration 3


Chimera of Eurasian Integration-2


Customs Union as an Instrument of Implementation of Russia's Geo-Political Plans at the Post-Soviet Area