The Turkish Gambit

Syria: Reconfiguration Or the Loser Pays for All?

Middle East: a Footstep Away From the “Point of No Return”

Iran — US: A New Cycle of the Crisis in the Middle East

The Crimea on the Chessboard of Geopolitics — the Crimean Evening

A New Round of Civil War in Libya

Ukraine, Syria and Venezuela

There Is No Uncontrolled Space in Geopolitics

How Are Baku and Kyiv Developing Ties in New Geopolitical Realities?

Let Us Celebrate Original Ukrainian Dates!


Syria: A Trap for the Kremlin

“The Catcher in the Lies”


The Military Coup in the “LPR” as a “Mirror” of Confrontation in Russia's Ruling Elite

With a Desire to Win,
Or Together We Are Invincible!


Air Terrorism in Russia’s “Hybrid” Policy

The Calm before the Storm?


Who killed Charlie?


A Kurdish State - to Be or Not to Be? So What Is the Question About?

Syrian Vertical – the Fall of B. Assad’s Regime and Its Consequences for the World and Region