June 26, 2018

Indian Ocean

The smallest of the three largest oceans will soon become the most important


Serhiy Polyovyk

The developments in the Indian Ocean’s region show China's intentions to realize its plans and intentions to promote its geopolitical interests in this region (as well as in other parts of the world), where the road must lie to transport Chinese goods, human resources and finance. First of all, along the route of the Chinese initiative “The Belt and Road”. This route will be within geographical borders and geopolitical interests of Ukraine. It is therefore advisable to determine its policy for acting within the framework of the Chinese strategic initiative “The Belt and Road”, to proclaim its principles in international negotiations with the leading world countries and to implement them in national legislation.

Relevant remain Ukraine's current geopolitical advantages related to its potential land access to the seaports from the Baltic to the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Delaying talks and implementation of our intentions to use them reduces the geopolitical advantages of Ukraine and possible capitalization of joint projects with its participation in them.

The article is available in Ukrainian