October 27, 2017

Origins and Inheritance of the Russian-Ukrainian Information Warfare

The Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies “Borysfen Intel” affords ground to the analysts generation for expressing their point of view regarding the political, economic, security, information situation in Ukraine and in the world in general, according to their personal geopolitical studies and analyses.


Note that an authors’ point of view
can disagree with the editor’s one


Valeriy Shvets,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor,
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine


The main thesis of this article: Moscow's lies about Ukraine should be countered with the pure truth about Muscovy. The truth is our most powerful weapon in the Russian-Ukrainian “hybrid” information warfare, which, generally speaking, we are still actively losing.

In this article, I also want to emphasize that from a person with a body temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, one should not expect adequate behavior in everyday life, including in Russian-Ukrainian relations.

And one more thing: all our present-day life problems are of a purely artificial nature and actually come from the 40 degrees temperature of the Muscovite national body.


The Main Part

Recently, Russian and foreign mass media have been actively spreading information that Muscovy has begun to create and train special military units of the information warfare. Such units were earlier in the Soviet Union, they are today part of the US Armed Forces and several other countries's armies, although they are called differently.

What can such a move of Muscovites mean? In fact, this is a practical measure for further development of Russia's combat actions and not necessarily against Ukraine alone. Putin is raising his stakes in a dangerous game with the whole world. He still thinks he is controlling the process of escalating military confrontation in this world, step by step increasing and intensifying tension. In fact, he can no longer stop. A stop — means for him political, and possibly, physical death in the near future both through external and internal factors working in Muscovy. Continuation and intensification of the escalation — also means his inevitable political and physical death — in the more distant future, but… along with millions of innocent people. So far Putin has chosen the latter.

Muscovy had been always investing, and today is investing enormous funds into the information warfare. It is this that allowed it to almost peacefully take Crimea from us and create a bloody wound on the body of Ukraine in the Donbas. Today Muscovy's information effectiveness is so far beyond the capabilities of Ukraine (which demonstrates complete helplessness in this sphere), that in order to maintain the current status quo in the war with Ukraine, Muscovy actually does not need information warfare armies. That is, Muscovy's decision to create special military units of information warfare can mean only one thing — the world should get prepared for the worst.

It is known that in the early 30's of the last century, under the personal order of J. Stalin (V. Putin's current idol), a “program book” was translated from German into Russian, entitled “My Struggle” (German — “Mein Kampf” — Adolf Hitler's book which became the ideological basis of German National Socialism/Nazism). Along with other books on military strategy and tactics, it became part of the “Library of the Red Commander”. Many pages of this “thorough” book were devoted precisely to military propaganda.

“Mein Kampf”, published in Germany in 1925 Note:

For the first time, the book “Mein Kampf” was published in 1925 in Germany.

As a rule, when referring to this book, predominantly is used transliteration “Mein Kampf” without the translation of the title of the book.

In the USSR, a limited edition of the book “Mein Kampf” was first published in the early 1930s to be studied by the leadership of the CPSU(b).

In 1992, it was published in the Russian Federation in mass editions. After that, there were five more impressions of the book “Mein Kampf” in Russian.

I propose to analyze and evaluate some quotes from it to prove that current Muscovite propaganda can be fully understood exactly on the basis of them, in the projection of the basic principles laid on the mentality of our northern neighbor:

The first quote: “Any attempt to overcome a certain idea by force of arms is doomed to defeat, unless the struggle against the stated idea itself does not take a form of an offensive struggle for a new outlook. Only if one worldview stands in ideological all-embracing against a different worldview, violence plays a decisive role and that party will benefit which will be able to apply it with maximum ruthlessness and duration”.

Muscovy's arsenal of such completely false ideas, suitable for external expansion, has always been quite large, for example: collection of Russian lands; Moscow is the third Rome; protection of Russian Orthodoxy; a cleansing world revolution and so on.

What idea is against us in the East of Ukraine and in the Crimea today?

— The idea of the so-called “Russian world”. How about the duration of the use of this universal idea (who would have doubts?) and its ruthlessness (remember the shooting of our soldiers and officers when they were leaving the Ilovaiskyi noose /August 10 — September 3, 2014/ via the “agreed” with Muscovites “security corridor”!)

And what is our response?

— The idea of Ukraine's European choice? The idea of protecting Ukraine's independence? The idea of democracy and freedom? Maybe the Ukrainian national idea or idea of the “Ukrainian World”? Then the rest are only its components and derivatives.

At this, the false idea of the “Russian world” sounds good for an average “Russian Sov” both in Muscovy and in Ukraine. Details for him are insignificant. While we keep talking only about details all the time, avoiding the short and important meaning — “Ukrainian World”.


The second quote: “The task of propaganda is not to give a scientific education to individuals, but to influence the mass, make it understand certain important, though not numerical facts and events about which the masses had no idea before”.

Here are some examples of a “Sov-Muscovite”.

“Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities,” — and try to explain to him that he and his people have the same relation to ancient Kyiv as the Romanians to the ancient Rome.

Or, “Ukraine is an outskirt,” of course, of his native Muscovy, and try to trick him into thinking that Ukraine was already mentioned in the annals for hundreds of years before the foundation of Moscow. Well, as for a talk about Trypillia, Scythia, Sarmatia, historic Rus-Ukraine, — forget it.

Take for one the combination of words: “cross, boy, crucifixion”. This word group did work on the whole of Muscovy together with the Crimea and the Donbas, and also sounded to the whole world.

And hysterical fatales about very Ukrainian soldier having been promised two slaves from the local population of the Donbas. And nobody has apologized for this humiliation at Ukraine. And we (what a shame shame!) have not demanded apologies. And where are our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry for Temporary Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, Ministry of Information Policy, General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine?..


The third quote (on the events of the First World War): “The war propaganda of the English and Americans was psychologically sound. By representing the Germans to their own people as barbarians and Huns, they prepared the individual soldier for the terrors of war”.

Muscovites used this advice to the full regarding Ukrainians. Personally I believe that science, especially humanitarian, and culture are also a propaganda designed to form scientific worldview of the leading strata of society, but the overwhelming majority of citizens needs a much simpler approach. This is especially true of the war zone in the East of Ukraine, where most of intelligent citizens have already left. We cannot spare the money for the whole spectrum of propaganda activities, because the essence of modern warfare, in the first place, is in the conquest of the soul and mind of people in the conflict zone.

Is our propaganda in the East of Ukraine and in the Crimea offensive? The war is already into the fourth year, and in the famous Avdiivka, that is on our side of the front line, Ukrainian television is still not available. What about the occupied territory? And Muscovy's territory adjacent to the border with Ukraine? The Russian-Ukrainian border, in its entire length, actually passes through the ethnic territory of Ukraine. Are we indifferent to ethnic Ukrainians on the other side of the border, which is at the same time the rear of our enemy?

This indifference is not characteristic of any European people. But we are striving for Europe. A great “joy” is the fact that at the end of the fourth year of the war, the construction of a radio tower in Chongar (Kherson region) on the border with the Crimea is being completed. Another ten years of war and we will build a TV tower, and will be not just heard, but also seen in the Crimea. And a week later, Muscovites will blow it up, because unlike us, they do understand its destructive effect for them.

When will we at last understand that an impressive picture has a much more significant impact on human consciousness than the explosion of a shell. One TV tower is much cheaper than one tank, and the area of its damage is thousands or hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Are we fighting for the territories alone, or also, and above all, for the people? If for the people, then between the number of tanks and the number of TV towers there should be some parity allowing to win the information war: “…Because propaganda is the same weapon of struggle, and in the hands of a professional, — the most terrible weapon”.

So much about information troops. That is, the Muscovites took on the whole arsenal of information (psychological) warfare, and Ukrainians, in fact, have not yet begun this work.


The fourth quote: “People's feelings are not complex, even very simple and undifferentiated. There is no place for a particularly delicate differentiation. The people say “yes” or “no”; they love or hate. The truth or a lie. People think straight. They have no half-heartedness”.

“The perception of the mass is very limited, the scope of its understanding is very narrow, but forgetfulness is great. For this reason, any propaganda, if it wants to be successful, should be limited to a few points and should be laconic, clear and understandable, in the form of easily remembered slogans, repeating them until there is no doubt, that the most backward listener has learnt what we wanted him to.

As soon as we abandon this principle and try to make our propaganda comprehensive, its influence will start to dissipate, as the masses are not able to either digest or memorize all the material”.


Therefore Muscovites have: “Russian World”, “Holy Russia”, “Kyiv — the mother of Russian cities”, “Russian Anna — the queen of France” and that is it.

I am afraid that the Muscovites will succeed with information troops. Because they are the successors of the information and propaganda tools and traditions of the former Soviet Union.


Mikhail Sholokhov, “Science of Hatred”What the information warfare, brought to its extreme forms, is about, one can see also on the example of the past slogan “Kill a German!”.

Thus, at the origins of the information campaign that swept all Soviet fronts and the Soviet Union in 1942, was one of the most famous writers of that time, Nobel Prize laureate (1965, in literature) Mikhail Sholokhov, who was the first to put forward and substantiated this slogan in his story “Science of Hatred”. He was widely and actively supported by the entire multi-ethnic propaganda apparatus of the army and the country.

Some idea of the tension of that campaign is illustrated by the extracts from the works of the two not less famous than Mikhail Sholokhov, writers of the time: Konstantin Simonov and Ilya Erenburg (see — in the original language).

“So kill that German so he
Will lie on the ground's backbone,
So the funeral wailing will be
In his house, not in your own.
He wanted it, so it's his guilt
Let his house burn up, and his life.
Let his woman become a widow;
Don't let it be your wife.
Don't let your mother tire from tears;
Let the one who bore him bear the pain.
Don't let it be yours, but his
Family who will wait in vain.
So kill at least one of them
And as soon as you can.
Kill each one you chance to see!
Kill him! Kill him! Kill!”

From the poem “Kill Him!” by Konstantin Simonov July 18, 1942, “Krasnaya Zvezda” (“Red Star”)


“…We have realized: Germans are not people. Henceforth the word “German” is the most terrible curse for us. From now on the word “German” discharges the gun. We will not talk. We will not be indignant. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German within a day, your day has been wasted. If you think that your neighbor will kill a German for you, you do not understand the threat. If you do not kill a German, the German will kill you. He will take your [loved ones] and torment them in his cursed Germany. If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, kill a German with a bayonet. If there is a lull in your sector, if you are waiting for a fight, kill a German before the battle. If you leave a German to live, the German will hang up a Russian person and disgrace a Russian woman. If you killed one German, kill another — there is nothing more funny to us than German corpses. Do not count the days. Do not count the miles. Count one thing: Germans killed by you. An old mother asks you: Kill a German! A baby asks you: Kill a German! Your native land cries: Kill a German! . Do not miss. Do not let go. Kill!”

From the article by Ilya Erenburg “Kill”, from July 24, 1942, “Krasnaya Zvezda”


Leonid Rabichev, “War Will Write Off Everything”Three years later, the war continued, but the Soviet troops were already in Germany. Were there any consequences of the slogan “Kill a German!”? I suggest turning to the originals of the memoirs of the eyewitness of those events.

The site “Patriots of Ukraine” (http://patrioty.org.ua/) gives the reader an opportunity to get acquainted with extracts (fragments) from the memoirs of the Russian artist and painter Leonid Nikolayevich Rabichev who went through the Great Patriotic War from November 1942 to May 1945 as a platoon commander of the 100th Separate Army’s Company VNOS (air surveillance, alert and communication) of the 31st Combined Arms Army of the Western Front and was awarded the Order of the Red Star. He died on 20 September 2017 near Moscow at the age of 94.

Leonid Rabichev shares with us his vision of the horrors of war in his book, “War Will Write Off Everything”. Further — the original text.


“February 1945. East Prussia”

“…We remove a dead soldier from the wagon, take out his military ticket, a tag from his pocket. He needs to be buried. But first we enter the house. Three large rooms, two dead women and three dead girls, all the skirts are tucked away, and empty bottles stick out between the legs. I walk along the walls of the house, the second door, the corridor, the door and two other adjoining rooms, on each of the beds, and there are three of them, there are dead women with opened legs and bottles. Why this sadistic desire to force bottles into human bodies? Well, suppose everyone was raped and shot. The pillows are covered with blood. But where from is this sadistic desire to push bottles? Our infantry, our tankers, village and urban guys, all have families, mothers and sisters in the homeland. I understand killing in battle — if you do not kill you will be killed. After the first murder some get a shock, others — shiver, still others — vomit. But here's some terrible sadistic game, something like a competition: who sticks more bottles and this is in every house. No, not we, not Signal Corps men. Those must have been infantrymen, tankers, mortar gunners. They were the first to enter the house…”

“…Yes, it was five months ago, when our troops in East Prussia caught up with the civilian population leaving Goldap, Insterburg and other cities left by the German Army. On wagons and cars, on foot, the elderly, women, children, and large patriarchal families were slowly retreating to the West along all roads and highways of the country. Our tankers, infantrymen, artillerymen, communication personnel came up to them to clear the way, and dumped their carts with furniture, bags, suitcases, horses, and pushed away the old men and children, and having forgotten about duty and honor and about retreating without a fight German units, thousands of our soldiers attacked women and girls. Women, mothers and their daughters are lying to the right and to the left along the highway, and in front of each one there is a laughing armada of men with lowered trousers. The bleeding and losing consciousness are being dragged to the side, the children trying to help them are being shot. There is roar of laughter, growls, giggles, cries and moans. And their commanders, their majors and colonels are standing on the highway, — some laughing, and some — conducting — no, rather, regulating. This is to ensure that all their soldiers participate without exception. No, not a circular guarantee, and not a revenge to the cursed occupiers — this is an infernal death group sex. Among the overturned carts there are corpses of women, old people, children to the horizon. All-permissiveness, impunity, impersonality and cruel logic of a crazy crowd…”

“…Shocked, I was sitting in the cab of a one-and-a-half-ton truck, my driver Demidov was standing in line, and I was haunted by Carthage by Flaubert, and I understood that not everything would be written off by war. And the colonel, the one that was conducting a minute ago, cannot withstand, and he takes his turn, and the major shoots dead the witnesses — writhing in hysterics children and old men.

— Stop! All aboard! And behind is already the next unit. And again, stopping, and I cannot keep my communication staff who are already in the new queues, and my telephone girls are pressed with laughter, and it turns my stomach. To the horizon among the mountains of rags, overturned carts there are corpses of women, old men, children…”

“…The highway is freed for traffic. It is getting dark. To the left and to the right are German farms. We get a command to stay overnight. This is part of the staff of our army: the commander of artillery, air defense, a political unit. My platoon and I get a farm two kilometers off the highway. In all rooms there are corpses of children, old men and raped and shot women. We are so tired that, without paying attention to them, we lie on the floor among them and fall asleep…”

“…Spring, the first green grass, a bright hot sun. Our house is steep-roofed, with weather vanes, in a Gothic style, roofed with red tile, probably two hundred years old, it has a courtyard, paved with stone slabs, which are five hundred years old. In Europe, we are in Europe! I got carried away by dreams, when suddenly two sixteen-year-old girls entered the open door. There was no fear in the eyes, but terrible worry. They saw me, ran up and, interrupting each other, tried to explain something to me in German. Although I do not know the language, but I hear the words “Mutter”, “Vater”, “Bruder”. It becomes clear to me that in the panic of the escape, they somehow lost their family. I'm terribly sorry for them, I understand that they need to run away from our staff yard and the sooner the better, so I say to them: — Mutter, Vater, Bruder — Nicht! — And I point out with my finger to the second far gate — that way. And I push them. Here they understand me, go fast, disappear from sight, and I sigh with relief — at least two girls have been saved by me, and I went to the second floor to my phones, closely watching the movement of units, but less than in twenty minutes, I hear shouts, cries, laughter, swearing. I rush to the window.

Major A. is sitting on the steps of the house, and two sergeants have twisted the arms of those two girls, and in front of them — all the staff's servants — drivers, orderlies, record clerks, messengers.

— Nikolaev, Sidorov, Kharitonov, Pimenov… — commands Major A.

— Take the girls by the arms and feet, skirts and blouses off! Line up in two rows! Unbundle the belts, lower the pants and underpants! From the right and from the left, one by one, start! — Major A. commands, and from the house my communicators, my platoon run and join the queue.

The two girls “saved” by me are lying on ancient stone slabs, hands are squeezed, their mouths are stuffed with scarves, their legs are separated — they are no longer trying to get out of the hands of four sergeants, and the tears off and rips pieces of their blouses, bras, skirts, pants. My telephone girls run out of the house with laughter and swearing. And the ranks do not diminish, some rise, others fall, and around the martyrs there are already blood pools, and the ranks, roars of laughter and swearing do not end. The girls are already unconscious, but the orgy continues. With arms akimbo, Major A. commands. The last man rises, and the two half dead bodies are attacked by executioners-sergeants. Major A. pulls out a revolver from the holster and shoots into the martyr's bloodied mouths, and the sergeants drag their mutilated bodies into a pig farm, and the hungry pigs begin to tear their ears, noses, breasts and in just a few minutes, only two skulls, bones, spines remain of them… I'm horrified, I feel like nothing on earth. Suddenly a nausea comes up to my throat, and turns me inside out. Major A. — God, what a scumbag! I cannot work, I run out of the house, up hill and down dale, I go somewhere, I come back, I cannot help looking into the pigsty. In front of me, pigs' bloodshot eyes and among the straw and the pigs' litter there are two skulls, a jaw, several spines and bones, and two golden crosses — two girls “saved” by me…”

The author of the memoirs — Leonid Rabichev
The author of the memoirs — Leonid Rabichev

Instead of concluding

So, it can be stated that the origins and inheritance of the Russian-Ukrainian information warfare originate from Muscovites and today they are terrible, cruel and, in general, inhumane.

Today, the Muscovites-inhumans' slogan “Kill a German!” has gradually, but steadily transformed into the slogan “Kill a Ukrainian!” And “Kill a Banderite!” for the Russian-Ukrainian information warfare.

“Kill a Ukrainian!” And you will get away with it, because according to Putin and his apologists, there is no such country, such people, such language and such culture. And vice versa — mythological “Novorossia” (”Union of People's Republics”) or “Malorossia” (“Little Russia”) or some other “Debiloryosya” of the Putin format (Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky's) allegedly exist.

“Kill a Banderite!” And you will get away with it, as the Second World War, according to Putin's apologists, has not ended; it continues and is gradually getting transformed into the Third World War, and the “Banderites” as they have always been, still are the main enemies of “Velikorossia” (”Great Russia”).


So, we in no way have the right to lose this war. We have a terrible enemy-inhuman — Muscovy. And Russia's modern “hybrid war” against Ukraine and, in general, against the entire civilized world, is a total war with its ultra-important information component.

Today, the extraordinary tensions of the Russian-Ukrainian information war far too much remind of the years of the Second World War. But as a lot of the dirty truth is still to come out, it's worth just digging the true history of the last 100 years of the existence of Muscovy — the empire of red terror.

Our symmetrical response in this uncompromising war should be the adequate and coordinated use of the most demanded highly-professional information intelligence forces and targeted counter-propaganda in their proactive actions.