Borysfen Intel

Asia as the Focus of Attention of Western Experts and Media

November 29, 2019

As Seen from Switzerland


Serhiy Polyovyk

Western European countries' media and expert environments have begun to pay increased attention to the development of relations with Asian countries. The researches draw attention to the growing importance of the Asian region, with more than 4 billion people currently living in its 20 economically important countries. Swiss political experts say that this population already provides a third of the world's economic output. With such rapid growth, Far Eastern markets are attracting attention of even the highly developed Swiss economy.

Taking into consideration economic, cultural and political peculiarities of the region, its having different religions, Asia can be considered the most diverse region in the world. The disadvantage is that Switzerland is slowly maturing to understand that this region needs to be explored faster and deeper. Accordingly, it is necessary to take various measures in order to study the peculiarities of Asia, to understand the specifics of the development of the societies there.

First of all, we should understand that working with Asia is by no means a promising niche, it is an imperative for all those who wish its country a successful future.

The article is available in Ukrainian


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