September 18, 2015


Independent Analytical Centre for Geopolitical Studies "Borysfen Intel" is preparing for publication a special edition of our analytical journal "BINTEL. Geopolitical Analytics Journal" — "HYBRID WARFARE" AS A CONTINUATION OF "HYBRID POLICY" under the general editorship of Vice-President of the Independent Analytical Center for Geopolitical Studies "Borysfen Intel", Ph.D. in Military Science, Associate Professor, Lieutenant-General (ret.) Yuriy Radkovets.

For the first time this special edition will include the author's analytical and research material Today's Russia's “Hybrid Policy” as a Strategy for the Implementation of Its National Geopolitics” by Yuriy Radkovets, which based on the analysis and evaluation of studies of both Ukrainian and foreign analysts and political scientists, gives the definition (category) of "hybrid policy", its essence, goals, objectives, types and examples of use in the world today. The article also analyzes the features, objectives and actions of the Russian "hybrid policy" towards Ukraine, the EU, NATO/US and other countries.

In other materials of this publication, the "Borysfen Intel’s" experts, in the context of the Russian military aggression and annexation of the Crimea, investigates an issue of the "hybrid war" and the "hybrid peace": its strategies, features and new technologies, including information, considers a possibility of Russia’s hidden aggression against Ukraine and others issues.

The publication will be published soon in Ukrainian and English languages.

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