July 2, 2015

02.07.2015. Participation in the work of the 11th NATO-Ukraine Civic League Assembly

Ukraine and NATO: Joint Counteracting the Hybrid War

At the meeting of the 11th NATO-Ukraine Civic League Assembly, held on July 2, themed “Ukraine and NATO: Joint Counteracting the Hybrid War”, we, representatives of the IACGS “Borysfen Intel” had the opportunity not just to hear a really urgent and deep speeches of the participants. We managed to communicate with our counterparts dealing with the problems of Ukraine's accession to the European Union and NATO. That is so to speak, the topic with a capital letter. Because while before it was theoretical, not binding to anything arguments, now, with Russia's armed aggression in the East of Ukraine in the “swing”, the security of the Ukrainian state and its future are closely intertwined with the position of the European countries and their governments. All this, this way or other, was reflected in all the speeches of the participants of the Assembly. In some cases, it even looked like Maidan calls for cardinal actions, which can only mean one thing: the Ukrainian society is becoming more and more aware of its historical responsibility for our independence.

Ihor DolhovQuite specific and well-argued was the speech of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine for European Integration Ihor Dolhov. Only the victory in the war and successful reforming of the country, I. Dolhov believes, guarantee us a real prospect of NATO membership.

— Today Ukraine's best weapon is carrying out effective reforms in all spheres, starting with the defense sector and Armed Forces, and all the way to democracy of the civil society with patriotic education of our youth (our entire population included) - said Ihor Dolhov. - As the strong Ukraine is needed primarily by Ukrainians, and only then by Europe and, in particular, by NATO, the priorities should be as follows: the victory, reforms, NATO.

Гвидас КерушаускасDeputy Chief of the Mission, Counselor-Representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine, the NATO Contact Point Embassy in Ukraine Gvidas Kerushauskas urged the audience to “look into the eyes of the facts and to counter Russian propaganda”.

— After all, this crisis has demonstrated that NATO is a friend of Ukraine, which has chosen integration into the EU, stressed Mr. Kerushauskas, — and NATO is ready to help it and its present government... But it must be remembered that, despite the West's support, the future of Ukraine is in the hands of the Ukrainians, and you (Ukrainians) should do everything to make your choice irreversible.

Sergei DzherdzhHead of the NATO-Ukraine Civic League Sergei Dzherdzh pointed out in his speech that NATO needs a new strategy, and its development must be prepared for the Summit in Warsaw, which will be held in 2016. What sort of strategy should it be? It is clear that it should be updated, different from the current one, which has actually exhausted itself, judging by the weight of current problems not only in Europe. In his opinion, Russia must be constrained, mainly through an effective dialogue with it. And since now it has decided to get “fenced off” from everybody, developing the tactics of the so-called “hybrid war” and zombifying   consciousness of its citizens with specific information, it is necessary to constantly tell the world about its problems, while developing a common strategy of counteraction, which must be conducted in three main directions: sanctions, support for Ukraine economically and financially, giving Ukraine effective modern weapons.

— But Europe seeks to appease Russia, - said S. Dzherdzh - isn't that hopeless?

Robert PshelRather interesting was the speech on the Skype by Mr. Robert Pshel, ex-Director of the NATO Information Office in Moscow, who had given a lot of time to the Russian information project aimed at brainwashing of Russian citizens. And not just of those living in Russia, but also of those who in search of a better life have turned up in the so much “hated by Russian public West” and are well off there at the same time criticizing it and persuading local citizens that Russia is right in its actions against Ukraine. “If I had watched Russian TV alone for two months - bitterly joked Mr. Pshel, - then I myself perhaps would have taken to the street with a slogan in support of Putin. And all because the Russian citizens do not have the opportunity to receive alternative information because there is actually no independent media in the country. If we blame the Russian propagandists for this, we should keep in mind not only the “servile and obedient executors, but those who are above them and cynically order to zombify their compatriots”.

It is hard to disagree with Mr. Pshel. If Ukraine had remained under heavy Russian influence, like its current eastern regions, and had not been able to get alternative information, as it was once, in Soviet times, who knows whether Ukrainians would have come out to the Maidan with protests and just demands...

Professor of the Kyiv Shevchenko University of International Relationships, Director of the Foreign Policy Institute at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Hryhoriy Perepelytsya was rather categorical in his report, considering that the country's leadership is unreasonably slow with reforms. Because of which fact, in his opinion, Ukraine has lost its second chance after the latest Maidan to join the EU.

Here are briefly some of the theses from his speech: “Maidan revived the Ukrainian nation, stop Russia's aggression”; “Our society has to think European”; “We need not only a strong army, but also a guaranteed collective security”; “Why doesn't the adoption of the new Constitution need a referendum, but Ukraine's accession to NATO does?”; “NATO will agree to cooperate with Ukraine in any format, but Ukraine, at last, should decide on that format”; “Our pro-Russian forces have discredited themselves, but for how long?”.

Following the meeting, the Assembly of the Public League adopted a statement "On Ukraine's full membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization", which called on the two sides resolutely and radically transform their relationship for the sake of the common defense of the transatlantic space from current and future threats.